Aluminium ballast tray filled with local stone aggregate, re-deployable, long lasting, wind rated (Region A)

Unlimited Energy SMS solution is the new east/west oriented surface mounted system with up to 30%
more modules on the same ground space. Designed with a 10° module tilt and elevated 40-60 cm off the ground from the lowest module point.
With the fastest installation time in the industry and the ability to ship 1 MW per truckload, the innovative surface mounted system provides both material and significant labour cost savings. The system can be installed with custom designed ballast trays on any flat surface filled up with local stone aggregate. Eliminating the use of concrete (cement) but to use local recyclable ballast material on site helps to meet CO2 emission targets in the industry. The heat and chemical processes involved in making cement (a key component of concrete) mean that each tonne made releases one tonne of CO2.
Application areas include off-grid, back-up power, peak load shaving, increased self-consumption, multi-use, power quality, time of use, forecast-based charging, consumer control, generator control.
Fastest surface mounted installation in the industry
Wind tunnel tested
TUV certified, conforms to AS 1170 / UL 2703
Patented design IP
1 MW mounting structure per truck or 40 ft container
Very low transport costs
Complimentary ballast calculation
Tailor made aluminium ballast trays - corrosion resistant
Aluminium Recycling – one of the most sustainable metallic materials available that is actually profitable to recycle.
Product warranty of 25 years
Fastest solar PV installation
no concrete required
Aerodynamic installation system for surface mounted framed PV modules on open ground.
Scope of use
On mine sites and farmland, as well as on sand, gravel, grit, concrete, or asphalt
Module dimensions 950–1,050 mm x 1,475–2,080 mm (width x length) Installation angle 10°,
Max. field size 12 x 16 double rows; 384 modules Min. field size 2 double rows for every 2 modules Wind load Suction load up to 2.4 kN/m2 Wind load Pressure load up to 2.4 kN/m2 Design/stability verification Software-supported based on wind tunnel analyses
On-site requirements Sufficient load-bearing capacity and compressive strength of the ground must be ensured on site. The general terms and conditions, terms of warranty, and the user agreement apply.
Module approval: The list of screws made from stainless steel A2-70; ballast trays made from aluminiumapproved modules is provided by UEA; individual approvals through the module manufacturer Components Module clamps with grounding pins, open ground brackets, ballast trays; optional ballast trays, mounting frame aluminium EN AW 6060 T64; module clamps made from aluminium EN AW 6063 T66;